Rabu, 19 Oktober 2011

Reward dan Punishment

“Salah satu contoh kecilnya adalah saat pelaksanaan Ujian Nasional di Kota Medan, Kepala Dinas Pendidikan Kota Medan telah mengambil kebijakan untuk mencabut izin sekolah yang melakukan kecurangan dalam Ujian Nasional (UN). Alasannya, jauh-jauh hari Diknas sudah menyosialisasikan ke sekolah-sekolah dan Diknas juga sudah mengingatkan agar sekolah tidak membantu siswanya dalam mengerjakan soal ujian, seperti yang terjadi tahun-tahun sebelumnya. Apa yang diancamkan oleh Kepala Dinas Pendidikan Kota Medan Hasan Basri itu kita nilai positif. Namun begitu, jangan hanya pihak sekolah yang curang yang dihukum, tetapi hukuman pun harus dijatuhkan kepada lembaga pendidikan yang gagal dalam meningkatkan mutu pendidikan di wilayahnya. Jadi, siapa pun yang dinilai gagal dalam pelaksanaan UN nanti harus dihukum, sebaliknya siapa pun yang berhasil dalam UN nanti harus diberi penghargaan. Manajemen ‘’reward and punishment’’ harus ditegakkan dan dijalankan tanpa pilih kasih, tidak hanya kepada pihak sekolah, tetapi kepada semua lembaga pendidikan yang terkait dengan pelaksanaan UN."

I strongly agree with the article above. That the rewards and punishments must be in balance, not bias. The award is to motivate someone to further improve performance. And the punishment aims to provide a deterrent effect on the perpetrator, if the penalty is administered properly and wisely will be the motivation also for the recipient of punishment.
Awards and penalties are not a good idea given above arbitrariness, but according to the rules to avoid conflicts. The award is given to someone who really deserves the award and is given on par with what he was doing in order to avoid social jealousy among fellow. The punishment given to people who deserved the reciprocal of what he was doing, which could harm himself or others. This penalty should not be given to any person who had been clearly made ​​a mistake, so as not to be revenge in the future days, or even to break ties.
For people who were involved in policing this, sometimes:
- Gradual and continuous monitoring
- Take responsibility for what has been so made
- Rewards and punishments are given impartial
- Distancing nature of nepotism
Reward and punishment is nothing but to be a motivation for human resources (HR) of higher quality. Hence the principle of justice is necessary, in order to reward the provision is not made ​​too proud and arrogant does not make people praise that came flying over, and do not make those who get carried away.
Punishment ought to be imposed should an educated and do not use violence to advance agreed upon by both parties. Whether that makes the rules as well for those who accept the rules. So that its implementation does not cause pain or anything that may damage the relationship.

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